This is a simple pack of logos i have found in the library and main game files, then edited.
Somehow, i managed to jump simple and hit a wall of 307 .png logos for your civs to use.
i recently made some new edits and added one logo from another game that you all might like.
Nice! great work. Don't have a myriad of race portraits up your digital sleeve too do you!?!?
nope.....but i suggest:
Thanks, but i think i have the entire GC2 library downloaded. finding pics for my race mod is harder then most, since it is based on the races from Saga of the Seven Suns, of which there is very limited graphic art available. It's a mod thats been kicking around my PC for a number of years (not even half way finished) so im in no rush to find suitable images. I always check new games for this image files, and im hoping that when i pick up Sword of the Stars 2 soon, it may offer a few images.
have you tried google?
google is your friend.
Yup, ofc. I just always look to expand my image library when i can. It's an issue with Saga fans that we have very limited images to work with.
Have you ever considered making your own?
Nope, not that savvy. Modding files is fine, messing with graphics = FAIL.
Have you seen the new alien graphics release?
its in this forum, not far from this topic.
btw, how many races do you need?
Would anyone have happend to have downloaded the economy tech fix mod?
it seems mediafire erased it.
I hate to double post...but i have updated the pack.
i would update the pack's display image, but there are too many files to add to it, and im lazy.
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