As you probably have noticed, we have launched a brand new website for the Elemental series. This is a complete re-design for the upcoming release of Fallen Enchantress and future endeavors in the Elemental world.
Take a browse through and let us know what you think!
Looks good overall. However here on the forums, these grey bars where the reply and quote buttons appear don't look pretty. They contrast too hard with the rest of the site. They should be darkened by like #666666 or replaced with something else entirely.
Also the bid space at the top may look pretty, but scrolling past it for every thread is just annoying. Get rid of it, or put an anchor point at the beginning of OP's point and have links point to that anchor point.
This. The large gap at the top of every forum page is pretty annoying. On my desktop it doesn't matter but on my laptop it's slightly more annoying.
That said, I really like the new site. Just another tease a couple days before I can get my grubby paws on the beta.
Great new look! I hope much of the game carries artwork of this caliber!
Beautiful paintings in the media section.
Nice job with the new site - looks great. The tagline on the home page could use a small correction though: using the word "world" twice in the same sentence is redundant and reads awkwardly. It's also missing a comma. So instead of:
The world's most powerful sorceress will destroy the world unless you stop her.
The world's most powerful sorceress will destroy it, unless you stop her.
The most powerful sorceress in the world will destroy it, unless you stop her.
Looks great. I hope lots of people buy this game and you make the money you deserve.
I know I won't be buying it because you are giving it to me for free.
The new page caught me by surprise today... pretty awesome though so it was a pleasant surprise and I hope the game really has as darkf of a touch as does the site... speaking of which we've heard few things about this fallen enchantress (person, in game) - or have I missed something?
The new site looks really nice. Alluring, without being revealing.
On the subject of new site designs, I wanted to make a request. I know is probably isn't going to happen, but I wanted to put it out there. Could you make a site that is more smart phone friendly--maybe with a mobile edition? See, for those of us who don't work in the gaming industry or in IT, spending much time on gaming sites can be problematic. It is not like pornography, but it raises eyebrows. Some places block them out altogether. So for reading about Elemental while at work, I'm using my phone. Thankfully my near-sighted vision is excellent, but even still taping on the links is really problematic. Thanks for reading and I just thought I'd ask.
I second it. The forums are practically unreadable on my Kindle (I use it to browse the internet when I'm off), because it's not scalable. The font is too tiny, when I make it bigger the site does not fit the screen.
Would also like this, the site is painfully slow on my mobile, I can't post replies, and very annoying; when I open a topic it is locked in position at the top of the site. So I can't scroll down untill I zoom in, even if it's just fraction. Makes using the 'go to last read reply' button useless, as it just shoot back to the top.
I can't click on people's name attached to their post to open up their profile. Might be something to do with my work comp being a turd, but I will check when I get home.
I can do it in the latest stable Chrome. What browser is your work computer using?
Its the most up to date Chrome. I checked for updates. It must be the computer, or the draconian software used to try and keep me from wasting my work hours on video game forums...
EDIT: Now it's working fine. No idea what the problem was.
I think they made minor changes to the forums. The gap at the top is now smaller.
I reduced the space substantially. You can't see the background as well now, but function over form, right?
The background looked cool but I definitely prefer the new spacing. Thanks!
The site looks great!
I think Fallen Enchantress needs its own wikipedia page. I usually use wikipedia to check out quick what a game is about.
I think it would give Fallen Enchantress more public exposure too.
got my mail from SD iam rdy for tomorow
Ditto, forums are stuffed, also with Firefox 3.6.25.
Sure I probably should be on a newer version but it just goes to show that some of us aren't yet. Since the forums are linked to from the main Elemental game website it is something that the Stardock web developers should probably look into.
I know I thought Stardock had stuffed up the forums until I read this post and realised it worked fine for others and it was my browser version. You don't want new visitors to the Elemental Game website thinking that.
Amazing site!
This is the argument that kept the world using IE6. Upgrade!
I've resolved the issues with Firefox 3.6, but I highly recommend you upgrade to the latest version of Firefox as there's no reason to stay on an older version. The latest versions provide a better UI and experience, enhanced security, and have the latest and greatest in HTML and CSS support.
Thanks Gunslinger! I have the newer versions on my home computers, but work computers have to stay at the lower levels to be compatible with some of our older software... see you knew there had to be a reason right?
P.S. And while you may think v3.x is ancient compared to 9.x, just remember that Firefox started upgrading their browser monthly/semi-monthly just a few months ago. The latest version of v3.6 is less than 6 months old!!!!
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