We have had a really nice influx of new players since Sins has expanded to Steam. Member Sinperium suggested we have an "introduce yourself" thread and I thought it was a great idea.
So if you are new to Sins, come introduce yourself to the community and maybe even setup some matches!
Hello everyone, I have been play this game for 2 months and really like it. I want to be part of this community even though it's very small. Some of you guys might have play with me a few time, I'm starting to know this game and hopefully I can become less useless in 5s games
Hello. I am Oddski_Boddski. I've been absent from the forums. Please give me your adulation, and I shall love and tolerate you forever.
Hey, welcome to the community, we are always looking for new blood for 5s! Dont be afraid to ask for help if required.
Yes. Shut up nub. I was trolling in these forums before you were even pissing into your mother's womb.
Hi guys,
I'm Cabanur, from Spain. I've found SoaSE searching for a decent substitute of Homeworld 2. I've just played through the toutorial (which is far from good) and a few hours of my first game and there's a few things I don't quite like from the game I'd like to discuss with you guys, but I don't think this is the forum to do so.
Looking forward to getting involved in this community
The Titans have arrived. Surrender or be destroyed.
Edit: By the way how can I get my avatar to be displayed? if anyone knows a way, share your secrets.
Hi everyone,
my name is Ohoho2 aka MiniMe as my steam name and i love sins multiplayer, hate missile barrage and think the Vasari are awesome.
"i'd just like to insist on multi-player guys to pay attention not to single out noobs too much even though i kick a few off games in 1 out of 10 games because otherwise the community will be small. Give people a chance to experience the game even if its at the expense of your win ratio.
Hello Sins community my name in this and every game is litchgath.I am not horrible at this game but neither am I a defeat a vicious A.I. level.I normally play Rebellion with my Older brother.He rates me as unfair level.Games I have played are Warcraft 3, Homeworld, Red alert 2, Starcraft:Broodwar, Starcraft 2, Age of Empire 1,2, and 3.Well I hope to see some of you in games soon!
I'm Lucy I like the game.
I'm Taranabug, back from the dead. (I'm kinda surprised my account wasn't deleted its been so long...)
I've been with SoaSE since Vanilla, but haven't really frequented the forums for a couple years. With the new DLC released my interest in the game has been renewed (interest never actually left, just 'diminished' for a little bit).
I enjoy playing against AI opponents on large/huge/[insert hyperbolus synonym for 'big' here] multi-star maps. Advent Loyalist is my favorite, with Vasari Loyalist as my second (they're just so... different). And despite my propensity for turtling and focusing on economic development, I have a hard time getting behind the TEC Loyalist, go figure. Too much of a good thing maybe?
My other interests within SoaSE include Galaxy Forge, with most of my games being on my own maps. I'm always designing/improving in order to create the 'Perfect Map', which I've determined will probably never exist. I actually spend more time building and editing maps than I do playing the game itself. I used to do some light modding during Vanilla and Entrenchment, mainly focusing on rebalancing things. With the last few, err... several, patches it seems like the balance has gotten much better, so I don't tinker in the game files anymore.
Outside of SoaSE I play World of Warcraft, and enjoy kayaking and fishing. IRL I'm an Insurance Agent and live with my wife in St Paul, MN. And aside from my Credit Card and SSN, which you aren't getting, that's all there is to know about me.
Perfection is never obtainable with anything you create. You always find something wrong about it, trust me I have a lot of experience.
If anyone other than Goa said this I would think it was a slap in the face to the individual and not a matter of fact statement about perfection being impossible for anyone to achieve.
Ah, yes I suppose I Should have made that more clear. Edited.
Don't worry, I caught his meaning. And got a good chuckle out of this, thanks!
Hello all,
Just recently got back into Sins thanks to a shiny new computer. Been quite some time but love the game. Hit me up anytime. Not to good at remembering everything after 3 years gone, but will pick it up quick. Can't wait to get back to multi-star system dominance. mwahahaha. umm. .... I mean. Hope to see you all in the stars.
Great Game!
Been playing this game since it came out. Just now trying to play online though. Finding it really tough to get into games. Play as Thor75. Love the game, wish I could find someone to let me into a game lol!
Hi Everyone! What 's the trick to getting into a 5s game?
Not having 0 games on your record I guess. Try hosting some 1v1s yourself, hopefully you won't be waiting as long and you're more likely to get a greater variety of skill levels.
Well played, candi, well played....
Not making troll posts.
*Ahem* Hi. I'm Kamal. I've had this game ever since mid-2013, but I've kind of been daunted by how big the game is, so far I've got 10 hours on record alongside a single 2v1 multiplayer game. Here's to hoping I can find someone who can teach me the ropes.
Hi All, I am Skiedagain. I have owned Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion slightly less than 48 hours. Yes, I am a force to be reckoned with ....NOT.
I pretty much started out my gaming life on the Red Alert series, when it was the latest and greatest. I spent a bit of Time playing Starcraft (badly) then went on to waste years of my life playing World of Warcraft.
After finally realizing that I was totally bored with that game, I started flying in Aces High. I learned several important life lessons there, primarily, it is a really good thing I am an electrician and not a fighter jock.
After making a move to where internet options would just not support flight sims I found SoaSE Rebellion on Steam. Thinking it was a game I had played the vanilla version of years ago, I bought it.
Now, I realize the game I thought I was buying was Homeworld.
Sometimes you just get lucky. I think I am going to love this game.
This message comes to you from the beautiful State of Victoria, Australia
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