As the title says, the GamesCom was pretty disappointing to me, i was looking toward>
Modern Warfare 3, but there was no new media presented,
Command and Conquer, i expected new game to be announced, which did not happen,
Homeworld 3, Relic was supposed to announce a new RTS project, but somehow ended up showing Space Marine only, which does not excite me one bit,
Gemini Wars, which was apparently presented there and its new publisher was supposed to be unveiled, but there is no single gaming site on the whole damn internet to report about this...bloody journos! cant be more useless, even if they tried.
Basically only game i am interested in and there was something new to see is PES 2012....
What about you? Was there something, you are excited about? Were you there in person?
Excited about:
- Warhammer 40k: Space Marine
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- Heroes of Might and Magic 6 (actually I think its called Might and Magic heroes VI)
- Firefall
- Skyrim
- Dark Souls
- Guild Wars 2
- Mass Effect 3
- Wasn't SWTOR there as well?
Gamescom was packed this year, literately, they closed the doors today because the building was full of people. I wasn't really expecting the new C&C game to be revealed, it's going to be very socially inclined anyway, I just hope they don't make another Lords of Ultima. Although Van Caneghem was heading up the project last time I heard, in February, and I trust that man with just about anything.Didn't even know about the new Relic RTS, honestly.
The bits I liked so far were:
Things I was expecting but didn't happen:
Wasn't there in person. I hope to get there one of these days. It's not really that far.. well, it is, but it's the closest big game expo, well, no, Igromir is closer, but I don't speak the language. In any case, this year's Gamescom didn't disappoint as much as much as this year's E3.
Elder 5 is really all I need. I try not to rely on conventions for anything. They never have what I want.
Words of wisdom, have to do it this way myself, as these days, more often than not, i end up disappointed.
Some good GW 2 videos if you happen to like mmo, but most of the games there are just not my thing.
Relic's next RTS has already been announced as being Dawn of War 3. Was hoping for more Company of Heroes myself, alas.
Damn it! I was really hoping for HW3... If they bring back building and full scale battles (Tau would be nice) I have no problem with that. Well at least we have a good modding community for HW2.
The first details about Dragon Commander were released and so was the Sword of the Stars II trailer / opening squence, so it was a good year for me.
Eventhough I look forward to conventions I find I don't follow them much....I read on one or two sites but that's it....don't even follow BlizzCon anymore!
Only game on top of my head I hoped to see were Dawn of War III. Can't think of anything else.
I dunno, I don't think the series has been the same since their lead developer died in that accident. I often wonder what DoW 2 would have been like if that guy had survived to continue working at Relic.
But I'm hoping DoW 3 is departure from DoW 2, because it just wasn't as enjoyable for me as either DoW or CoH. DoW 2's RTT (or whatever) had its run, they need to revise again and bring it back to RTS goodness like CoH.
There's a few details on DoW 3 in this article:
Of course, the article also says there'd be a big announcement at GamesCom, which hasn't happened... maybe today?
Yeah, basically still just the info they were releasing a few months ago before GamesCom. Tantalizing statements like "mega-armies", but my experience with DoW 2 is that devs will usually inflate the scope of what they're going to present you, with that "epic sales pitch." They tried to downplay the numbers of units and the general scope of the game in DoW 2, but people pretty quickly realized that, due to the level of graphic quality of DoW 2, they had scaled back everything.
So I kind of refuse to get excited about a real change in their thinking until they give up something solid. A "global tactical battle" with "little tactical things going on" "kind of like an MMO" could either be really awesome or totally misguided. I mean, didn't DoW 2 basically already have that faux-planet conflict presentation? It barely mattered in terms of the SP campaign playing out.
TBF, i do not think the next RTS announcement by Relic was meant to be DoW3, as this one is known to be in works for some time. AFAIK it was meant to be something else, something alongside DoW3, most probably either HW3 or Company of Heroes 2 (more likely option, but i would prefer HW3 - obviously).
There was a big thread on this on the Gamereplays COH message boards.
Still, as it did not happen in the end, we can only speculate.
Since Company of Heroes didn't sell that well and Company of Heroes Online had to shut down, odds don't look too good for that. Also, I think the DoW and CoH series are very similar so that further rules out a CoH 2 as it would compete with DoW 3.
That leaves Homeworld 3. Never understood what people like about that series. I've tried part 2 and it was way too strategic. No tactics like in DoW & CoH.
YOU are on GameReplays?? Didn't expect that
That community have some of the internets most elitist, arrogant selfappointed pros that has ever existed which is the reason I left their StarCraft II section exactly 2 years ago. Gonna make a comback to their CoH section though but I feel it's gonna be a loong (flame) war.
There was Dota2 and an awesome Starcraft 2 tournament. It was great for me
I don't think we'll see more CoH from Relic. WW2 isn't really what's hot anymore, and while plenty of dev houses are still doing WW2 stuff, the major ones aren't. Relic could probably stay in business for the next 10 years just doing GWS products and I think that's their basic aim.
And I'm fine with that.
No, i am not, god forbid
I just read somewhere about that upcoming "announcement", so wanted to know more and googled it...i believe the first thing it found was the topic on the Gamereplays forums.
I used to check that site occasionaly few years back though, when Red Alert 3 was about to come out. Was pretty fascinated by that game back then, although never played it competitively or nothing like that. But i liked it for short amount of time and the site was source of some good info.
Regarding Homeworld, well you played the wrong one . Not saying its a bad game, or that much different in terms of gameplay to the first one, so it probably wont matter to you, but the first one has better story and is more immersive. Simply better game almost all around, perhaps with the exception of multiplayer, which was probably given more attention in the second game, but it is possible some HW hardcore fans might be disagreeing with this as well.
I still think CoH sequel, even if not set in WW2 scenario, is sadly far more likely than anything Homeworld-related. Space RTS is a niche genre and THQ is not going to allow Relic to waste money on producing game without potential to sell millions of copies. Homeworld does noz boast such potential, ergo we are in for Dawn of War 3,4,5,6 etc... ad nauseum (and i liked that game) or perhaps other sequels to CoH.
Also for any turn based fantasy themed games fans this game is going to be freaking awesome:
As Timmaigh said, Homeworld was simply better than Homeworld 2. I have only managed to play the demo for Homeworld 2, and I didn't like it nearly as much as Homeworld.
Homeworld is definitely the one to play, the story was one of the best I have ever seen, and the gameplay was excellent.
I believe that if Relic had kept Homeworld's gameplay, and incorporated the UI enhancements and things like fighter/corvette squadrons from Homeworld 2, they would have something. Homeworld was Relic's first game and the one that put them on the map, they aren't just going to abandon the series.
First there was Homeworld.............then later there was Homeworld:Cataclysm. There was no other......... ...I refuse to think otherwise.
Unless actually attending, I find it hard to keep up with news at these conferences. The exception would be something really high-profile like BF3 though.
I keep a good eye on all of the news articles that flood out of these types of events, and frankly there wasn't really anything to get really excited about. Maybe we're just getting to be too cynical, though who could blame us considering the state of the industry.
DOTA2 was the only real wild card, and it kind of... fizzled.
The CosPlay was, as always, a good excuse to see scantily clad girls. That's about it.
Looks good. Seems like a good time for TBS games.
The writer for Homeworld and Homeworld: Cataclysm is now the lead writer at Kerberos and is working on Sword of the Stars II. The lead designer and owner of Kerberos also woked on both of those. And I suspect quite a few other people there worked on at least Cataclysm.
Are you sure Relic could still make a proper sequel?
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