Island Dog, Where are you?
Seriously, if your considering Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion this is like getting Trinity for free.
Visit here after purchasing Trinity this weekend to pre-order rebellion and receive $10 dollars off your purchase.
"Pre-order Discount: Owners of Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity and Sins of a Solar Empire: Diplomacy can receive a $10 discount, just login to apply."
Yeah - saw this and immediately asked myself - who do I know that hasn't picked these up? Great deal. Love seeing SOASE trin for $10. Great deals here. I know marketing is genius and all that, but a longer sale would allow for more exposure. All I can do is tweet or post on a few deal sites. But if there was more time - probably more sales. Anyway, great deal this time. Nice!
This'd be awesome if I didn't already own all these.
Sword of the Stars Complete is also on sale for $5.99.
I've never played this game, myself, but I've heard extremely good things about it. And for the price of a couple beers, I'm picking it up for sure.
It is a shame that I bought GalCiv II Ultimate two of months ago, and Sins for $10 at Wal-Mart followed by the expansion bundle before that. I really was hoping their wouldn't be a sale like this somewhere down the line I could have taken advantage of if I would have just waited, because I really didn't need to buy GalCiv II. Oh well, maybe I will get GalCiv. I am not much of a turn-based player, but I haven't played GalCiv II much, though it looks like I might like it if I take the time to figure out what I am doing. I have heard good things about Sword of the Stars also, so I might consider getting it also.
Sword of the Stars would have to have a 1GB of RAM requirement, I might still just get it but not install it yet.
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