Ok, so I decided to create a new Chatroom, because the old one was getting pretty....old!
Everyone may post here, as well as in the good'ol Flameroom...I mean, Chatroom
I would like to keep this Chatroom civilized. Well, as civilized as most forum threads are (doesnt mean that you all have to be polite like Oatesy, lol).
So for this reason, I may update the OP of this thread in the future, posting certain thread rules, as I see fit.
For now though, post away, and everyone is welcome!
Currently these users are banned:
- ArcticBlunder
Have fun. Don't forget to write.
Hi guys!
wait, why is Iro leaving?
Nice name change by the way.
And yes, I know what it means. How is Carbon doing? Still trying to play SotS ][? Or has he moved on?
Carbon's on SotS mostly as far as I can see. He might have moved on though...
I think he's too busy for games lately...
in honor of Carbon's prestigious organization!
I am apart of that.
I think.
History of the Condom
I've always been a student of history but I didn't know this.
In 1272, the Arabic Muslims invented the condom, using a goat's lower intestine.In 1873, the British refined the idea by taking the intestine out of the goat first.
Don't thank me, I do this as a public service for the advancement of education.
I did not run this through Snopes, but I got it from a friend that I totally trust.
Stant why
Because he could.
And was funny as hell...
Don't question the great and powerful Stant!
You will prompt further shenanigans spawned from a desire to make you understand.
these allergies...
seriously, I can hardly breathe!
why must there be some unknown particulate in the air that is the source of my infinite irritation? I think I'm going to wear one of those face mask things (whose name escapes me at this late hour)
^ This is one of the above mentioned shenanigans.
This will explain it to you KrdaxDrkrun
I don't think I've heard this song before, and yet, I feel like I have D:<
I have posted it before. I highly recommend some of the earlier forms of music as they have a lot of influence on much of the modern music you listen to. And just to let you know, my generation of musics was mostly 90's. The posted song was 70's. So I know what I am talking about.
What is this modern music that I listen to?
I listen to video game music :3
And video game music is a form of modern music. Sort of.
sort of...
I like the epic instrumental-type music
So Beethoven, Bach, Mozart and the like are more your forte. Cool. In my opinion that is the height of music. It requires so much from synchronizing to leading that any other form of music is simplistic at best.
The multiple layers are what I enjoy...
what I have defined as "modern music" seem to have only one melody. Maybe I'm overgeneralizing a bit, but I find them to be inflated copies of each other.
A good piece will have many underlying core themes that all contribute as a whole to the song. My tastes in music are a little strange...
but oh well... My dad composes "operas" with Pokemon theme music! Musical insanity runs in the family. I wonder when mine will manifest itself... :F
Indeed much of modern music has been distilled down to "what sells the best". There are still certain ones that buck the trend and make what they want to make but they can be hard to find. Its also one of the things I appreciate about the 70s rock music world. The term Classic Rock came out about this time because many rock musicians made songs that had many layers similar to Classical Music. Many were classically trained as well. Queen, Yes, Moody Blues are some of the few groups that did this well. True they had their best sellers that were simple but IMHO some of their best work are songs that while didn't appeal to the masses, would appeal to ones like you and me.
Good music requires insanity.
In our case, it's not good music
I must admit that I don't have much exposure to classic rock. I am open to it, however.
Well I listed a few up there. Youtube has some good versions of their songs. Do be careful though. The modern definition of "classic" rock includes everything before 1990. Which is lame.
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