Guys and gals, I'm sure some of you have been wondering what has happened to our friend, Wizard1956. I know a few have asked and until now, I have been asked to keep a lid on it. Randy and Theda didn't want everyone knowing the have been having it a bit hard.
But just a few minutes ago, I talked to Wiz on the phone. He called to let me know that he'd be inaccessible until sometime next year, not for sure when.
A few weeks ago Wiz told me he would be losing internet due to his hours being cut. A week or so later, I decided to try calling him at work and was told he was let go. So he now has no job, no unemployment yet (pending), and no phone, TV, or internet. His wife's part time income barely keeps the rent paid and heat on. Things are progressively getting worse, and now he tells me his car is out of commission and his wife is walking to and from work. Oh, and food is scarce until he can get food stamps going. So even a walmart gift card would help...anything.
So, I guess I'm asking if anyone would like to send a card, a gift, or a small donation to help Randy and Theda with a little Christmas joy. I'm sure they would appreciate it, and so would I. I am sending a few bucks friday, just a small amount.
If someone would just send a Christmas card it would brighten their holiday. I'm sure it's a bummer being in this jam for the holidays.
Wizard has asked me to tell everyone at WC he says Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and that he will hopefully see us in a month or two.
If anyone wants to send him anything at all, a Christmas card, 5 bucks, a gift....anything...please PM me for his address. He has no bank account but can get small checks cashed at his wifes work.
I truly hope some of us can do something to cheer these people up for the holidays.
UPDATE....Wiz has opened a bank account so that he can get checks cashed. Those who have sent checks won't have to worry if he can use them.
*doc sets reminder to befriend happyboy7
Merry Christmas HappyBoy7 and God Bless.
Definitely, Doc...we are now officially friends!
Uvah - Thank you for the well-wishes, and Merry Christmas and God Bless to you and your family!
Wiz has called. He is having problems getting his phone back on (technical difficulties with phone co.). He is planning to try to go to a freinds house in the next town over and see if he can get online long enough to visit us a bit.
He says that the generosity of this great community has turned a dismal time into a heart warming, much brighter time. Words cannot express how he feels and that he will never forget it. He was fighting tears as we spoke.
I want to thank you all for coming together on his behalf. Bless you all and have a great Holiday season!
Speaking for myself Jim (and I sincerely hope the Community as well), I ask to please send my caring and love to him and Theda as well as the very best of holiday greetings.
I know I'm weird and the idea that just popped into my head is no exception. How about getting a shot of his house from google and skinning it. I don't know if you can skin a house or not ........
I agree.
That was a weird thought.
Doc can shop anything. He once blessed a sheep with my head.
Nope. 'Blessed' is a b-a-a-a-d word.
It's one of these...dunno which.
The poor guy may think he's getting stalked...yikes.
I know and I'm sorry but listen to the rest of it. Wiz will never expect to get a shot of his house all decked out for the holidays WC style. He's been a member how long? Think its worth a shot? Did the card, the walls, the left handed snowman, all the donations oh and my card to WIZ got off safely. Got some pretty durn good 'artists' here. that you egg-splained it...I reckon.
He he ....... some off the wall humor is a good thing. Yeah ...... it would be a bit much. Even holidays can get overdone. But yet ..... at this time of year so many extraordinary things happen that you wouldn't normally see at any other time. Several years ago there was a big flap in the newspapers about a Christmas UFO. Norad, who 'tracks' Santa Claus thought they had a real one on Christmas night. It made for great speculation. Most people shrugged it off and NASA didn't even try to explain it.
call me a fuddy duddy but I think posting a pic of someone's home without their permission is a little over of the edge.
Which is why I said it was a bit much. After posting I thought about it. Wouldn't be much of a surprise if you had to let them know ahead of time now would it. Thanks for the reminder though.
I talked to Wiz again today, he has his tracfone fixed, and has a few minutes on it. He still has no word on unemployment but is doing a little better due to you guys.
He is going to his brother's on monday to try to get a little internet time so he can visit us, so be watching Monday. You just might catch him online for a few minutes.
Glad to hear it. No problem with all that snow I hope.
OK, Guys, here it is. Thank you all for input and advice. Also, bless you all for caring enough to do this and for helping the Wiz.
Inside of card, and the wall.
Outside of card. It will be a trifold card printed from a laserjet printer for quality. I'll use high quality Hammermill cover stock.
I'll mail it to him tomorrow morning.
Nothing but the best for a WC member in need. Great job everyone and Happy holidays to you all.
A special "Well Done!" to DaveBax and RedneckDude ..... to the family that cares - my thanks for proving it yet again!
Thanks Doc and to all.
A very Merry Christmas to everyone.
Nuthin' but the best. To everybody who participated ..................
Kudos to the best friends and family in the world! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and to Wizard1956 and family. May God Bless always.
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