This is related to the tournament discussions located here:
Special thanks to S T A R D O C K for their support of the tournament!
Tournament Finances
I will be handling the financial transactions for the PLSTH. Pacov is a known trustworthy source but i don't want to saddle him with the work in dealing with it. I assure you that I am as well.
You are not required to send money to be in the tournament. But if $10 (or more) is not much money to you then please add some to the pot.
Submission of the money.
I would prefer if you send the money to me via paypal. I'll upload my commitment to paypal and will leave all of the money there for distribution after the tournament. PM me and i will send you my paypal account info or a mailing address or something to help make it happen. I would rather not post this info publicly.
Winner receipt of money,
I would strongly prefer to send the winnings out via paypal as well. If you don't have a paypal account then you could use someone else who does have one and will send you the cash. Other options include moneygram, 2-day fed-ex (preferably not ground or home) or that Nigerian friend that we all have. The fees for sending would come out of your personal winnings. Paypal accounts are free and make life a lot easier. If you don't have an account just go set one up now. I'm also open to suggestions, and the easier it is for me, the more better . We'll worry about how to send money out of the USA should that become a problem.
The winnings are to be split up accordingly:
First Place: 40% of the money
Second Place: 30% of the money
Third Place: 20% of the money
Round Robin Winner: 10%
(This is not set in stone, if you have other suggestions please let the community know and it can discussed)
Frag McShane - it is your civic duty to do so!
McShane has thankfully put a target on his head for the tournament. He offered to donate $20 to the pot if he gets killed twice in a single game or if he is killed twice by any single player. (Suicides or enemy tower deaths don't count). If you succeed in this task then $10 of McShanes money goes directly to you (or team) and the other $10 goes to the pot.
Donator list
These people have pledged a minimum $10 to the tournament pot. Please note the I will be uploading my previously announced commitment plus some additional, in the near future. Some of our community members have offerred to donate additional funds to the pot than the requested $10, however a couple of them have asked to remain anonymous.
Current total pot received: $649.54
Current payouts
Round Robin winner 10%: $65.00
Current total pot remaining: $584.54
This is the list of people who have not confirmed if they will or will not pay. If you wouldn't mind confirming via post or PM to myself or Pacov I would appreciate it.
Mcshane, Orcun & Renz are the winners of the round robin and are awarded 10% of the pot. Payment sent 12/23/10
Please be sure to give Karma, a thanks and show appreciation to the donators. Since most are on separate teams it is a losing proposition. They are specifically doing this to keep the game alive, make the tournament more attractive and fun for all of us.
Father Jon
Jon - please keep in mind that I don't consider the folks that said they'd be willing to pay to play in the tournament as folks that have actually committed to contribute yet. I know, it sounds strange, but its an important distinction. The question I asked in the thread is "would you be willing to pay to participate" in the even that we'd have an entry fee for everyone. And as everyone didn't agree to contribute, I decided it won't be a pay to play tourney. Anyway, we should have everyone here clearly indicate what they are willing to donate and you can mark them off one by one (pacov pledged X dollars/paid 0).
That said, I will pay $10. Pm me your pal pay info. As far as I know, that makes you and me the only official contributers at this point (plus mcshanes crazy bet).
Oh i see, well hopefully they will still contribute
Guys, if you are on the contribution list please PM me if you can still donate or if you can't.
Lol did I say only twice? I'll have to check my original post but I think it was if killed more then twice, so minimum of 3 times unless it's the same player who kills me twice in that game.
ill kill you 6 times in one game.
you did say twice shane;) you made the specific example if mith would kill you twice you owe us money
Yea dying twice by one particular player, if you kill me, then mith kills me and those are my only 2 deaths then it doesn't count. But if all 3 players on your team kill me once then I owe $20. Or if I only die twice but one player got both kills then I owe $20 too. Pacov said "if he gets killed twice in a single game or if he is killed twice by any single player" it should be "if he gets killed three or more times in a single game or if he is killed twice by any single player"
heh. Are you giving the money to the pot or to that specific player or team? Are you doing this a total of one time or anytime it happens in the tourney? You just clarify your bet and I'm sure Jon will update the op.
Shane is right. He said 3 times, with the special case if one person kills him twice in a game. It was confusing for me, and I read it a few times before I understood (why I remember it now).
Drop me a note, Stardock is willing to pony up to help fund tournaments.
I'm in
Sweet crackers! That's encouraging to hear. I'll contact you. I'll send a pm at the very least. Not sure about the best email contact, but I'll take a look. Thanks!
oh - and jona__ chimed in and it sounds like he'll be participating in the tourney. Adding him to the list.
Brad and I are discussing and will sort out the details. For anyone else that is willing to contribute, please chime in. Thanks!
That's AWESOME Brad, thanks!
Im sure you'll keep me posted Pacov.
Oh man, this is cool lol.
i'll chuck in if i get to play in teh thing...
I added you to the list Doggu, thanks! There are plenty of excellent players that currently aren't teamed up yet, i recommend start talking with them!
Thank you Orcun! That means a lot coming from you
Hey maybe Stardock and MaximumPC should enter teams !!
Which guys at MaxPC and PCG played? I think Nathan did....
Given the low amount of teams in the tournament and the relatively low price, I would say divide it between 1st (70%) and 2nd (30%) place or winner takes all (100%).
The percent payout is probably best discussed after we finalize the format (hopefully today). For instance, if we do the round robin, then have the top 4 teams play it out, we'd have to decide what to do. I tend to think that whatever team would have the most points before the tournament should get some sort of payout (even if they don't win the whole thing). After all, they'd be the winner of the round robin part. Anyway, I say table this conversation until we sort out the tourney's format once and for all (tonight or tomorrow), then we can talk about % and breakdowns, etc.
I'm in. I'll pitch in $10.
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