I got it yesterday, but did not have chance to play it yet. It certainly looks good on those videos, graphically far superior to Supreme Commander, which is probably only comparable RTS to it...however i am not sure if the gameplay is good enough...hopefully it is, cause it cost me 30 euros...
Any opinions?
I make my hatred of this game known on the IRC channel. I can't stand how cookie-cutter this game was. No one, A.I. nor human, would ever fall for the ruses because of how obvious they are. Without those, the game is Ground Control. As such, Ground Control doesn't cost 50 bucks.
I like the concept but the fact that all the 'hiding' part of the game is completly negated by a single unit in the back of your force kinda ruins the cool.
I won't buy this...as I heard CoH is much better, and I bought that already.
Nothing at all like CoH!
You'd be doing yourself a disservice by not buying this amazingly FRESH take on RTS.
RUSE is not an APM click-fest like StarCraft 2 or the like, I've seen plenty of "expert" RTS players (coming from WiC, CoH, SC or SupCom) getting their asses handed to themselves by "noob" RTS players because in RUSE it's *almost* SOLELY about strategy. TIMING is everything in RUSE. Since by default in RUSE you can see a light/heavy marker for every enemy unit and all bases are visible by default you MUST use your RUSE's wisely.
Do you show a fake attack on another front?
Do you camo-net your bases to hide them from view?
Do you build a fake airbase to make your opponent waste resources on anti-air when you don't even have a single plane?
Do you use "blitz" to speed up production and unit movement?
Do you scramble enemy intel to make all your "light" markers show as "heavy" and vice versa?
Do you use "radio silence" to hide all of your units?
Do you use "spy" to reveal all of his?
the list goes on......
of course these RUSE's are all TIMED (and can be applied by sector of the map)......so again.......timing is everything......running out of a RUSE at a critical moment may prove to be disasterous.
I can't praise this game enough! RUSE is a total GEM in the RTS genre and any real table-top grand strategy fan would be doing themselves a huge disservice in not picking this one up!
NOTE: This is not a game for the SC2 click-fest/APM kiddies......this is chess revisited!
the Monk
Just wait until you get beat by some starcraft player in 1 minuet 17 with a light tank rush who didn't even know there was ruses in the game.
One cool thing about this game is the range of factions and the diffrences each has in playstyle (good at air, bad at tanks, arty etc). There is British (most important), USA, German, Italian, French and Russian. Some of the units are "advacned" and not really historyically accurate (i.e. not even used in WWII) but they are all real designs at least.
I still expect the french to give up imedeatly after some tanks go around thier large bunkers though...
Trust me.....I've been on the receiving end of most "rushes" at least once already (I've been with this game since BETA 1).
Para-rush (mostly used in the first beta)
I won't say I've never been successfully rushed, but a GOOD player in RUSE will not lose to a rush......that is what's so good about this game. Every rush in RUSE can be successfully countered, the bad part is.......once you do that....the guy who tried the rush rage-quits!
Hm.....sounds good. I guess I will give it a try!
Try the demo. If you like the demo at all, then I'm sure you'd only like the full game even better. Having said that, the demo is SP-only and personally I think RUSE really shines in the MP!
I think it's cool that RUSE is using SupCom's strategic zoom - more games should be using it. If I hadn't lost my interest for real time strategies, I woulda bought it already.
And it does it REALLY well too, not just 2d icons. it has stacks of units that show you in an almost bar chart like way the balance of forces.
You can go in very close too and its very detailed, fences on fields, indavidual trees - looks great.
Yeah, it really is a fresh way to play a classic - chess!
Honestly, the reviews from sites like JOYSTIQ couldn't be less informed! That chick on JOYSTIQ sounds like an ADD teenager with absolutely no clue what the game RUSE was even supposed to be about.
My advice to anyone hearing about this game? Download the DEMO and check it out for yourself. Again, if you're sick of APM/mirco-centric RTS then this table-top grand strategy game is for you. DO NOT be fooled by its "simplistic" look/feel.......there is much more depth to it than meets the eye.
This is the first game in a long while where I continually discover new ways to achieve similar results. A definite contender for GOTY for me!
Last point. I had completely lost faith in UBIsoft as a publisher after watching them drain the life out of the Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon series (I hate the new non REDSTORM made Rainbow Six wannabe games) and despaired at the UNFINSHED product being released year after year with the UBI logo on it. With RUSE I truly see a turn-around. They delayed the game from a June release until Sept and I have to say.......it is FINISHED (highly polished and completely playable/enjoyable).
Score one point back for UBI! (of course they have one hell of a road to climb back up......but it's a start!)
What DRM does it use?
STEAM.....they decided against using their own always-on thingy, which means once you install from STEAM you can play in OFFLINE mode.
You mean Sometimes-working-half-broken-offline mode?
You mean you're one of those who complained about the UBI-DRM so they relent and remove it.....now even STEAM is a problem for you? Sheesh.....guess it's true......some people are NEVER satisfied.
I and not one single one of the 30+ in my gaming-community have EVER had an issue with STEAM offline-mode. Methinks you are the problem!
Yeah, because you and your community represent the entirety of Steam users.
You can rush someone in 1:17 in R.U.S.E.?
That certainly rules it out for me.
Not at all, but his remark seemed flippant and without basis considering that he didn't indicate having issues with this particular game in offline-mode and was seemingly just letting off "steam" at steam. A troll-remark begets a troll-response afterall! hehe
Only if the opposing player literally knows nothing about how to play the game. Decent players cannot usually be rushed successfully. The problem is most new players start playing RUSE like any other RTS. Unfortunately RUSE isn't meant to be played like an RTS, it's more like a chess match with the ability to cheat/bluff. Once new players "get" that, they are no longer vulnerable to *most* common "rush" tactics.
Fair point. I personally had it happen to me with CoD4 last year, but I figured out I didn't need to run Steam to play it - SP or MP.
I so love the main idea this game is built around... being able to fool your opponent into attacking fake positions, etc. I refuse to buy this game however as I do not agree with the buisness model. Whether or not I am allowed to play the game I bought rests solely in the hands of the publisher... I dont freakin think so.
Great game concepts but they can keep it.
I think you might have missed it (posted above)? UBI eliminated their own draconian DRM-scheme from RUSE. You no longer have to maintain a connection to their servers in order to play the game. SP can be played completely offline, while MP requires login to STEAMworks.
Maybe I'm missing the point of your post?
SP can be played offline, but you still require a steam account. Not to make this into another steam or not to steam post
UBI eliminated their own draconian DRM-scheme
How nice of them to remove something that would have guarenteed them poor sales. Not shooting yourself in the foot gets you credit in the gaming industry these days?
Does it matter? (if they even get some credit for doing so)
I mean seriously, the game is rock-solid, polished, balanced, fun as hell and turns out does not require the "always-on" DRM-scheme that would-have/could-have/should-have lost them sales!
How much credit do we time and again pass out to game studios who didn't even get that far? (ie. solid, polished, balanced, complete..etc.etc.)
just saying....
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