I got it yesterday, but did not have chance to play it yet. It certainly looks good on those videos, graphically far superior to Supreme Commander, which is probably only comparable RTS to it...however i am not sure if the gameplay is good enough...hopefully it is, cause it cost me 30 euros...
Any opinions?
F*cking Steam wont activate my cd-key, saying "This product code cannot be activated in your region"....though i do have a proper version bought in my country and with localised manual... the steam support was not very helpful, saying i should ask for refund and local publisher of the game ignores my mail sofar...
There have been reports that if you have any remnants of an earlier BETA version of RUSE still on your system there can be issues. Try that first, making sure there is nothing left of a previous RUSE install (ie. no files left on the HD and no registry keys left in the reg).
You can also try changing your "region" in STEAM, I know a few people have done that in order to get more MP action since at the moment RUSE is region-locked through STEAM.
Thank you for advice, but i did not play RUSE beta, so there are no remnants of previous install in my computer...
talking about regions, i suppose u mean "download region" option in the steam settings, right? I tried to change it to more appropriate country (because my country is not on the list) as the default one, but to no effect...
I am really not impressed by this, i have the game since thursday and still cant play it, nor do i have any assurance, that somebody at the support is actually looking at my problem... judging by the reply from Steam support, they did not even read my message properly... my english is indeed not perfect, but i think i made myself clear properly, anyway they seemed to misunderstand me, so i had to write them again....really annoyed with this...
it is really f*cked up, when downloading the game off torrent is less problematic then buying original.
Regarding game, it seems to me, there is too many units, which makes lot of them redundant. I looked at the utube vids, where some guy is talking about every unit, which one to buy and which one is pointless/cost-ineffective...it seems that game is balanced by making one faction strong with their tanks, another with air, third one with AT´s....which is wrong, if you ask me, cause u have no reason to buy some units ... one example for US, their fighter is worse than those of other factions + US AA vehicle is very cost-effective, which means u should not to buy fighters for US, cause it is more likely then, that u lose the air battle...that is defo bad game-design...
IMHO the factions should be different as much as they can, but u cannot balance them by making one stronger in air, another on land etc...nor making one faction strong early and another lategame...
I am also disappointed with the lack of naval units, i really hope they add them in expansion
Despite this strongly negative post, i still look forward to play the game
No worries, I'm glad to help.
1. Since you say your country is not in the STEAM region list can you change it to the country of the version of RUSE that you purchased? What I mean is....eventhough I'm in Canada.....my RUSE version is the US or NA version. Is your version the UK or EU version? Find out from the retailer which version they sold you and for instance if it's the UK version try changing your region in STEAM to UK?
I do hope that UBI will listen to the community and remove the region-lock completely. Not only is it obviously causing installation issues it is also keeping the MP community segregated which in my opinion is not a good thing!
2. Once you actually play the game you'll notice a couple of things:
- you have 3 time-periods to play in (1939, 1942, 1945) and each time-period limits or unlocks additional units etc. So for instance in 39 I find the Germans rather bland and weak but in 1942 (due to additional units etc.) they are the complete opposite. I really like the fact that the factions are not just generic topical differences but rather open up additional tactical options and allow players to find a faction and a time-period which suits their playing style.
- people who argue that some units are useless are simply put.......wrong. Units in RUSE are as useful or useless as you make them. Individual experience and playstyle as well as map type are all valid reasons why some units get used more than others.
- thanks to the lengthy public beta process and the subsequent return to the drawing board (release-delay from June to September) the DEVS have actually done an admirable job of balancing things out quite nicely. The factions all have their strengths and weaknesses which is great especially in team-games so your team can choose which of those strengths to play to.
- I guess what I'm saying is I don't understand why anyone would not want the faction differences the way they are now? I mean if they didn't give different factions different strengths/weaknesses then the only reason to choose a faction would be for personal/political reasons and to me that's just pointless.
the Monk
Faction differences are good. I hope they don't go the way of most balance complaints - making everything equal identical, allways.
here's a basic idea of some of the faction differences (of course these do change somewhat depending on 1939, 1942 or 1945 timeperiods) quoted from the official RUSE forums:
That should give you a (general) idea of what some of the faction differences are and how they lean toward individual play-style. Of course more in-depth differences become apparant the more you play as well as depending on map selection since line-of-sight is HUGELY important in RUSE.
My RUSE version is Czech/Slovak - i live in Slovakia and the download region was set to Hungary... i changed it to Czech Republic, but it did not help... Slovakia is not on the list.
Regarding uselesness of units, i cant obviously evaluate them myself, i just watched those commentaries and the guy presented it this way, it is just his opinion after all...but i would not be surprised if he was at least partially right, cause this is common problem in RTS - i mean some units not cost-effective or underpowered - therefore not built at all
Anyway i did not want to sound i do not want factions to be different, actually the exact opposite is true, i am all for diversity and uniqueness. For example i used to feel Sins could do with more faction diversity in the end Sins factions are different enough, but you have to play the game more deeper to recognise it...i think the diversity could be more "pronounced" to be obvious from the beginning...
I do not think that certain ways of balancing different factions are right... i think you can make one faction´s fighter to be cheap, another one fast, another one powerful...but all of them with some downside. Making fighter inferior to other nation´s fighters and compensate this by making another unit stronger than its counterparts is IMHO wrong. And i got the impression from those utube vids this is how RUSE is balanced.
Hmmm......well I hear that UBI has confirmed they will be removing the "region-lock" completely but of course since it's UBI we're talking about who knows when that will actually happen.....sigh.
Further to "balance" between the factions.......please see my post above.
- You'll notice how the Germans for instance might have powerful units but they cost more (a lot more actually......an inexperienced player would say not worth it sometimes) as well as require more research than other factions. This faction is best played by an expert player since the "punch" the Germans can field can only be realized through a solid understanding of certain RUSE's as well.
- The US have units that are good for ANY occasion (makes them the easiest faction to play in the game) but they aren't the best at any one thing. This does mean though that a US teamate is often the saviour in a match because they can react to anything. Anyone playing the US can therefore easily be the teams "safety-net".
- The Brits are "airpower" personified as posted above, but just because in a team-game the Brit player would be looked to bring air superiority to the table doesn't mean that the player would never build some british land units (eventhough people say they are inferior to every other nation) because it is still smart to keep a handful of various units around to not leave your backdoor wide open so to speak.
My point being, although it's easy to say use X faction for this kind of attack and Y faction for that kind of attack all factions are still very capable of fending for themselves. I think what people are posting in youtube videos etc. are the "rush" tactics that can be used with the different factions. If all you're playing RUSE for is to "rush" the other player well then yes there will be plenty of units which you'll NEVER build. One warning though.......against a decent player using a MIX of units those "rush-tactics" people are talking about will FAIL more often than they will succeed!
EDIT: The most important thing to remember about RUSE is that the game is more about INFORMATION (false, true, partial etc. controlled by using the various RUSE's) than the individual units. Therefore someone using inferior units can and will beat someone using better or more units if they are the player using/controlling INFORMATION better!
the best (most in-depth) review of RUSE I've found so far is from Rock, Paper, Shotgun:
thanks for the link, now i am going to sleep but will check it tomorrow
What's the AI like in RUSE?
Got it yesterday, played a bit, so far I'm impressed - obviously high production values, things have been thought through, decent campaign (If a bit of a tutorial), the AI seems convincing so far. You can change both difficulty and personality of the AI. There's something there that doesn't sit quite right, but.. got to give them credit for creativity, too.
Yes, the campaign is definitely the game's "tutorial" and as such starts soooo slowly and seems to drag at times. It does however do its intended job (teaching one the game) very well.
I find the harder AI is actually very well suited for this game. What I mean is, in so many other games hard AI just seems to mean cheating AI, but in RUSE......well the point of RUSE is deception afterall so hard/cheating AI is a good fit!
EDIT: The medium AI is a good fit for anyone who has played strategy games in the past and simply needs introduction to the mechanics of the different RUSE cards etc.
Here is a link to a RUSE "Unit Viewer" application. I don't know how up-to-date it is kept but it seems like it could be helpful:
There is a pretty decent RUSE FACTION differences write-up in the OT here:
I bought this a week ago and I am very impressed. Its extremely addictive and the AI is better than I expected. It adapts to what you do. I havn't played multiplayer yet but there is noone in my region anyway.
the_monk? Do you work for Ubisoft?
Its just i have seen fanboys less dedicated to seeling a game than you.
If you dont work for them, i would ask them for a wage
There is a patch in the works (rumor has it that it will be out before/on this weekend) which will among other things remove the mentioned "region-lock". Just thought you might want to know that......
Personally, as far as RUSE goes.......the MP is where it's at. Even the hardest AI cannot challenge you in the ways even a dumbass human opponent can in RUSE. For example, the MEDIUM AI (depending of course also on the personality you pick for it) can sometimes be made to turn tail and run (and try a different route) if you simply throw up a hard defensive structure like a bunker etc. when online the HUMAN would have laughed at you, kept coming, squashed the bunker and then blown your base to bits. Of course the HARD AI does also at times make suicide-runs which a HUMAN online would not have done because where the HARD AI doesn't care about losses (cause it cheats and has as much money as it wants) the HUMAN online-player needs to care about losing say a $50 unit etc.
I agree, the AI is better than can be found in most games of this type, however the real challenge still resides in MP.
....far from it Dariune. In fact, if you check the NOOBIsoft forums you'll find it hard to find anyone who has been more critical of UBI's product and customer relations handling than me! I'm get depressed when I think of how UBI (since aquiring the Rainbow Six franchise) have run the R6 (and other franchises) into the ground over the years. I had completely written UBI off as a publisher and was prepared to never purchase from them again.......I mean there was no communication between DEV and community and when it became obvious that UBI would pump out product and kill the support for said product less than a month later I really thought UBI wasn't going to get another dime from me. The forum reps (hired staff) kept spouting assurances that we (the community) were being listened to, but of course actions speak lounder than words, and well we all know UBI "actions".
Anyway (to make a really long story as short as possible), I watched RUSE since the first promo video came out, took part in a couple public beta's and waited until this June when it was slated for release......and guess what? UBI delayed the game until this September citing changes were necessary based on community feedback received during the betas. Of course I was saddened that I couldn't have the game in June, but I was also impressed that the company delayed the game to make it just right. That is exactly what has happened. UBI took a game (which was already pretty damn solid by June), delayed it a few months and got it right! For that they do deserve some kudos (from me at least) considering how vocal I was about them having become such a shit developer.
I'm just saying, if I call you out because you produce shit and then one day you produce something great again.......then I need to acknowledge that.
I didn't whine about Ubi DRM. I was OK with it.
And I had serious troubles with Steam offline mode (if you don't have the problem doesn't mean others also don't).
In the past 6 months Steam (mainly thanks to new client and payment system) caused me much more headache compared to Ubi DRM.
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