OK....so there's skinning 'bits' around....in the GUI....but the 'main' fun-of-the-moment is the wall....in-game shot of me [trying to] skinning planes in FSX.....and here I'm about 40 thou above Melbourne ....in a SU 47 'Berkut'.
In 15 minutes I can be buzzing over King Island...where I was born.....
Skinning in FSX is 'kinda' complicated.
Everything from XML coding to texture mapping and per-pixel editing, coding effects to activate correctly [eg. ABs]. [it's amazing how much stuff 'out there' that is clunky or missing one detail or another....and not just counting compatibility issues, either].
I hate alpha-blending.....and co-ords for gauges in a VC....it's all just too much like Litestep....you know, - complicated.....
did too!.....
Great desk[s] Doc! You too Deea19 [Nice wall and icons], and OldMsgt [The wall looks fantastic!
a penthouse in a penthouse...
Still Corporate here...haven't been upgraded to the Penthouse yet.
Thank you DrJBHL and pjdark. They are some really great desktops here guys!
While not trying to seem too stupid he asks...
"What project?"
^ That's "Doc's Summer Pond" that (like so many) are PPE. You can find it HERE.
Since those things are never explained, I couldn't tell you why/why not.
Something Simple
Desktop and a WIP snap:
It doesn't matter if you're Black or White
Great job everyone, Super choice of wall Narbytrout!
Lookin good, Jim
i agree love it narby
First time anyone's used one of my walls for a shot!
Winstep Xtreme on my laptop with Tiggz's (wonder where that $@§# is - whatever prompted him to disappear, hope he is alright) KTEK4D theme. Oldie but goodie.
Thank you vStyler (excellent skin BTW) and storm347.
Here is a link to the image... LINK... just click on the image 2/3rds of the way down the page.
The Penthouse Pool Room....
An excellent theme that never gets old. I wish Tiggz would return too he was one of my "skinning heroes"
Hey Tim, what theme is that? or is it a WIP? That's a great looking desktop.
It's a little something I have been building in between diaper changing, feeding and playing
I'd a figured you for big boy pants by now
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