It's April 1....
....just in case you're asleep.
I can show the OD2 in action now....
Nice Dock work RickJP!
Maybe someone will see this before certian people flood the thread with multiple shots
Nice job Tim. I love the flowers for buttons! Awesome!!
Aero Station
Love this skin by Z71:
2of3 that skin looks awesome!
here we go. april. svelte lotus once more, slightly recolored. very sweet visual style, very adaptable. smile.
WB: SirusWalls: Various pics of the VXR8 Manaro (über drooler car!)Sysmetrix: Universe MetalRightClick: Venom (Based on vStylers Venom WB (WIP))
vurrah nice snowy, had to double take for a second there.
Skins by me. Proper style start menu by Classic Explorer...
Nice wall Phuzzeh
Mine this Month
Boring old Holden ....
My car pic's better....
Forgot to's "Monaro" ...
Sorry, but you're wrong.... Your pic might be better, but the car looks shaite, imo, and waaaay overpriced.I'd take that "boring old Holden" over any car on the road today.
Talk about a great desktop! Man..."Thredz" ... and "Universe Metal". Please help poor, confuzzled doc. I don't know which to put up! Thanks, Steve. Thanks Jorge!
It is impossible to pick. As simple as that!
But either would look great with these:
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