Hello, everyone
I have a copy of SupCom: Forged Alliance, and I have spent some time playing it finished the story 2 times, but overall I havent really played as much as I would like to. So I was thinking of buying SupCom 2.
I played the Supreme Commander 2 Demo today, because I am thinking of buying it. I was pretty sure it would "win" me, and playing the Demo was only typical or so to speak.
But I was a little disapointed, because it wasnt exactly what I expected.
The graphics are sure a small downgrade from SupCom: FA, and everything else seems, well, shallow. Like there isnt much depth to the game. But sometimes the Demos of very good games dont show their full potential, and can be misleading at times.
I know that if i buy SupCom 1, it would be simply more missions of SupCom: FA. I am not sure if it is worth it.
So I am looking for some feedback, on users who have played both the original SupCom (not the Forged Alliance, I already own it), and SupCom 2.
Should I buy SupCom 1 or 2?
Thanks in advance
Good news, except Direct2Drive sucks and should never, ever be used.
Impulse FTW!!!!
"I don't grin like a moron, I grin like a sociopath."
Guys, its ok, I am not interested in SupCom anymore.
But thanks anyway
"Can I haz cookies nao?"
Oh wait Im too late
LOL Golgoth
Hey whatsup, where have you been? Havent seen you in the forums for so long
"Successful Troll is Successful"
Would it sound ironic if I said I got fed up of Demigod
Then stopped going on my PC for a month, then my internet broke for 7 weeks (o_0)
THEN (ultimate irony) I downloaded SupCom2 and have been playing that for ages. Awesome funRecently though that Half-Life 2 Ive had sitting around has started calling out to me
I stopped playing Demigod even before you did
Now that sucks
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