Hello, everyone
I have a copy of SupCom: Forged Alliance, and I have spent some time playing it finished the story 2 times, but overall I havent really played as much as I would like to. So I was thinking of buying SupCom 2.
I played the Supreme Commander 2 Demo today, because I am thinking of buying it. I was pretty sure it would "win" me, and playing the Demo was only typical or so to speak.
But I was a little disapointed, because it wasnt exactly what I expected.
The graphics are sure a small downgrade from SupCom: FA, and everything else seems, well, shallow. Like there isnt much depth to the game. But sometimes the Demos of very good games dont show their full potential, and can be misleading at times.
I know that if i buy SupCom 1, it would be simply more missions of SupCom: FA. I am not sure if it is worth it.
So I am looking for some feedback, on users who have played both the original SupCom (not the Forged Alliance, I already own it), and SupCom 2.
Should I buy SupCom 1 or 2?
Thanks in advance
Sorry, never touched the campaign. I think I played the first mission once, but got bored. maybe it is really hard!
sorry, no idea what lagwars is. i only play 1v1 ranked.
it did a stupid amount of damage, like 70K and completely ruined games (ie by people com-bombing in team games). it got nerfed for a very good reason.
Combombing on Finn's revenge FTW. I loved doing that in ranked games.
LOL, almost a cheat!
Very unfair, imo
It's lame as hell. Hell, I think I enjoy the nerf it got in the Beta patch. It gives a lot more flexability when it comes to fighting Com to Com.
What annoys me in SupCom 2, is that it doesnt allow for as much zoom in/out as SupCom 1.
Its not a lot of difference, but still its annoying to me.
Would drive me nuts. That's why I'm not playing Starcraft 2. No Strategic Zoom.
Yes, and thats why I think I can say that SupCom is a landmark in the RTS genre. SupCom 1 that is.
I'm probably going to get Starcraft 2. I simply can't find any good recent RTSes elsewise. If we get a good total conversion on SC2 as some ppl are trying, I might get it.
But what good will that do? If it gets a total conversion, it might be close like SupCom 1 at best, so how does that make it a better choice? Better off with SupCom 1 I say
I am not a fan of Starcraft, but I love the Warcraft series (not World of Warcraft). I wish they'd make Warcraft 4
It still has strategic view of the whole battlefield... If your talking about how far it jumps with each click that can be changed in the options menu. I think there is a key you can hold to zoom in and out slower or faster as well.
No there is a small difference actually. You can zoom closer to each unit, and zoom out so far you can see the map like a monitor display.
If you haven't experienced the glory that is the Strategic Zoom in Sup Com, then you have not lived.
Edit: Oh, and Duel Monitor support = Win. Nothing like using my TV as a HUGE minimap.
he he, thats nice
it also wont let you choose your own playing angle. well it does, but as soon as you zoom all the way out it resets it.
Indeed, you have to adjust the angle every few seconds, because it resets, which is very annoying, and after doing it for a several times, I got bored of it and let it set to default position.
Sound more like thats a bug that needs to be fixed then(the angle part). And your saying the only difference in the strategic veiw from each is that the first one puts a frame around it .... big deal you still see the whole map at once
I said that it doesnt zoom in as much too.
I also said that its annoying to ME
I stand corrected!!
no, its not a bug. its intentional.
Pretty sure they did that so the console guys wouldn't get confused.
We should play SupCom. (FA of course)
Whos down for a big FFA?
I can play FA.
Tell me if you like to play with me.
I'm totally down.
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