Hello, everyone
I have a copy of SupCom: Forged Alliance, and I have spent some time playing it finished the story 2 times, but overall I havent really played as much as I would like to. So I was thinking of buying SupCom 2.
I played the Supreme Commander 2 Demo today, because I am thinking of buying it. I was pretty sure it would "win" me, and playing the Demo was only typical or so to speak.
But I was a little disapointed, because it wasnt exactly what I expected.
The graphics are sure a small downgrade from SupCom: FA, and everything else seems, well, shallow. Like there isnt much depth to the game. But sometimes the Demos of very good games dont show their full potential, and can be misleading at times.
I know that if i buy SupCom 1, it would be simply more missions of SupCom: FA. I am not sure if it is worth it.
So I am looking for some feedback, on users who have played both the original SupCom (not the Forged Alliance, I already own it), and SupCom 2.
Should I buy SupCom 1 or 2?
Thanks in advance
Yeah what about it?
You said you picked one. So I was all 'FA?!' you were lyk 'FA?' I was all 'FORGED ALLIANCE!' And then you were supposed to say yes.
ROFL Teseer!
Seriously cut out the stuff you smoke, it can cause memory loss obviously
Check my previous posts and of course my Original Post, where I clearly say that I OWN SupCom: FA.
I am not gonna buy either of the 2, because I figured that FA is the best of the 3 SupCom games.
Thats what I wanted to hear! When I get time to play, I'll be on lagwars and my Manti will blot out the sun!
Edit: Thanks, thats...same thing right?
Sure we'll play.
But may I ask, will I get raped hard or really hard in online games of FA?
Should I expect ultra-pro-experienced player's-pwnage in online games?
SupCom1 and FA are the best goddamn games to come out of GPG. SupCom2 is a POS.
supcom 2 is fun enough but i prefer virtually everything about FA.
POS?? meaning?
Peice of shit. And I agree.
But there are newb games. The thing about SupCom is a really high skill roof. A lot of people never really get that good because they spend all their time playing no-rush games and huge maps where they just eco-spam.
What drives me NUTS is how a lot of players pretty much skip tech 1 and tech 2. If you EVER run into ANYONE that says SupCom games take too long are playing it horriblly wrong.
I like to feel I got pretty good at it.
I'll tell you, its a game of brilliance. It really is. If you play someone a LOT better then you that you're not used to, sometimes you just lean back for a sec and go '...Wow, oh shit'.
I taught a LOT of my friends to play and a few things I noticed right away that I assume was taken over from other strat games (I played TA, so I already understood how the eco works)
Most important thing to get FIRST above ALL ELSE is NEVER have full mass. Later on when you have a great grip on the eco, you can store up and save mass, but until then you will have your mass bar sitting at full and waste all that you're getting.
Reclaim. Reclaim. Reclaim.
More Factories. A lot more.
Expand. Turtling doesnt work in SupCom.
But yeah, this isnt directed at anyone specifically, just saying, if you're gunna start playing SupCom (which you should), these are the first things to work on.
This is exactly what I'm doing.....
I am a real TURTLE in SupCom. I always go straight for tech 3, skiping 1 and 2. I try to evolve technologically as much as I can, and build whatever is available to me, almost every available structure (tech 3 and experimentals). I also try to make my base as pretty as possible, yeah thats ridiculus I know And I gather as much mass as I can. I know you said these things are wrong, but isnt mass everything in this game?
I mean, you can have infinite energy with just 4 or 5 tech 3 power plants.
Do you mean that I shouldnt build mass storage early on? Because I lose a lot of mass that way. What about early tech 3 mass extractors? Are they not worth it?
Anyway I appreciate any suggestions you make about the gameplay.
Whats the best strategy on a big map?
Big Maps aren't my thing. The people I play with like 5x5, 10x10 and MAYBE 20x20. Best is Eco Spam which is why I don't like it.
I've RARELY even SEEN a T3 mex. Getting your Mex's to T2 is very important and THATS when you build storage. A T2 Mex surrounded by storage gives you +9 instead of +6.
Yes, mass is the most important thing in the game. If you are planning on saving up for something...like a Tac Missile Launcher for a snipe or a Com upgrade, saving is great. Otherwise try to stay at about -5 at the start, when you have many T2 mexs, I go to about -20. But you get a feel for it.
If you play with me, be very careful with T2 Pgens. They are PRIME targets and cost a LOT.
Turtling can and will get you killed. Every game. Don't use defencive stuctures as units are much better.If you don't use T1, and I do, you lose. Hell, my starting build queue for my first Fac is:2 Engies, 2 LABS, 1 Scout, 2 Engies, 2 Manti, 2 Engies, 2 Manti, 2 Engies, 200 Manti.
Try to make sure you are always doing something. NEVER Wait for something to finish. If you have an army, don't let it sit somewhere. Attack. Harass. Move to a better spot. The only time I can think where it should be still is a standoff.
SCOUT! EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! Get a radar up fast. They're cheap as hell. Throw em up all over the place.
Use your commander offencivly. He is a BEAST and as long as your careful can win you the game. OC in groups. Its AoE. Just ensure you're always progressing toward a goal with where you are moving him and make sure you have the area up-ahead scouted out.
Just a sidenote, a Com with the T2 engeneering upgrade also reclaims a LOT faster. You can reclaim a factory faster then you can shoot it down.
Sorry, it might sound random, typing with Alt-Tabing at work.
Ok, seriously Teseer, I already said I am noob. Please be more clear.
What are: mex, Eco, manti, LABS, Pgens, OC, standoff?
Oh, my bad.
Mex = Mass Extractor
Eco = Economy
Manti = More then one Mantis (the T1 'tank' for the Cybran, the only race I play)
Pgens = Power Generators
OC = Overcharge
Standoff = Just when you have an army. They have an army, but neither of you is sure you can win so you're trying to mass faster.
Just play ranked. You’ll learn (the hard way) soon enough how things work. it really is an easy game to learn. and most players online really aren't very good.
Custom game players suck. For sure.
FA is a very hard game to learn. When I get someone into the game, it takes months before they're actually a threat when I'm seriously playing.
Nah, I found it wonderfully easy. easiest modern RTS ive ever learned to play for sure. completely self-taught, and I can beat just about anyone on a good day. I found my group of friends caught onto the important basics pretty quickly. mostly due to its transparency. Just got them to forget about their experiences in other RTS games and learn anew. I have no doubt had they played the hundreds of games and watched the thousands of replays I had, they’d be a match for me for sure.
them's fightin' words!
I had to set the difficulty setting in 1 of FA's missions to "Easy", because I lost 3 times in a row, and could NOT beat the normal AI whatsoever.
So either SupCom is a really hard game, or I suck really bad at it
All in all, I am glad they made SupCom 2 a lot easier than 1, but it lost its flavor somehow. Its kinda like removing the very hot chilli pepper sauce from a tasty dish, the dish will still be good and easier to eat and digest, however it would lack the flavor and punch that the sauce offered before.....
That's pretty much it. The Spicy that is.
But I'm down for a game Raistlin. You use Lagwars?
Edit: But don't worry Morph, its a rough game. Like I said, when I get a new friend into the game, it takes at least a month before they're actually fun to play against. The fun of doing rediculous things against people loses its flair after the 5th or so person your trying to get ready for good games.
So, the funny thing is that I can't remember where I put my CDs. Otherwise, I'd be playing with you guys.
Have any of you tried the Phantom-N mod? It's a blast.
I LOVE IT! But not the gay way people play online with everyone allied.
You can break the alliance. It will just cause everyone to kill you.
me and my friends there is me my friend john, joe, andy and nathan, and somtimes my freind miky and we usally play over hamichi, with team speak in use.
there couple mods we use big exploiones which makes all nukes and epxloiiosn back to way they where in supcom 1.
we use the ACU mod allows acu to shoot at air units agin which it did do in the beta of supcom 1 and we use the transport abuse mod which puts back the abilty which was in orginal game to load up shield guys on to a tranport to protec the transports and allows units to shoot off of it.
it also big explions makes the power plants and nuke silos blow up way they did in the beta.
instead of the nerfed verison they are in FA it also makes the death nuke way it was in the supcom 1 back to a nuke level.
we also usally play free for all no allainces we do allow them to be made and broken in game tho as game devlopes.
where based in Wisconsin. if any area or close to area let me know my yahoo user name is midn8t
maybe even play some elemental war of magic when it comes out.
Me and my friends break it at the start. The whole fun of it is diplomacy, but not forced alliedness.
You obviously don't use your commander offencively. The Com Nuke Nerf was the best thing to happen. Otherwise every game I play would be a draw. My com is at their doorstep every game.
I am curious, how exactly was the Com Nuke before the nerf? Like bigger explosion radius?
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