Talk about anything here.
It has to my attention that 2010 is the first full year we have spent together. As a result think its time we have the.............
The dfferent categories are
Best Chatroom Moment
Best Chatroom Buddies
Best Troll
Most Interesting Person
PM me the people or moments you wish to nominate, or any categories you wish to added
Two questions:
1. Who will be the judge to decide which nominates win the award(s), and
2. What will these awards be? Karma maybe??
Thats more like it
"My Pokemans. Let me show you them"
Award will be karma(given by me)
if people participate we will have voting to decide but I will pick the nominees. if no one participates I will just give it karma for my choices.
People can submit their own nominees for each category as well their own categories
Too lazy to do that, so I am not gonna bother
This is better, imo:
Yeah, do that.
Trolling Skidi
Argument over the existence of magic
ArticThunder's 'Epic' return
Whiskey and Morph
Twilight and Xero
Morph and Shiro
and lastly a voter submitted category
Most Likely to do something to completely Confound(Confuse) us all
You can vote or I will pick
pwease vote!!!
LOL Altaux, did you just make that stuff up, or is there anybody who actually PMed you nominating people?
Ah anyway....
Fine, fine
I cant vote for myself though, I presume?
I'll vote soon, but not now, cause I am a little preoccupied.
My votes are:
Ok, this one is easy. I vote: Argument over the existence of magic, for sure. Twilight Storm's rage is priceless , and by far the best moment in the Chatroom IMO, as I have said many times before.
Allow me to remind you of that moment:
Hmm, this is quite difficult, especially because I am nominated twice, along with Shiro and Whiskey.
I vote Whiskey and Morph.
I would like to vote myself, but I dont think I am allowed to, LOL
So I vote Whiskey.
(It would be difficult to decide between myself and Whiskey anyway)
Btw, who the hell nominated ArcticBlunder here??? He is by far the worst troll I have ever seen. He didnt even bother to create a new account, he just used the existing account named "Skidiantasa", renamed it to ArcticBlunder, and changed his avatar.
This is by far the easiest category.
With absolute certainty, I vote Xer07.
By far the most interesting person on THE WHOLE FORUMS
LOL, who submitted this category?
Ah anyway, I have to vote, AGAIN!
I'd like to say nobody, although I suppose that isnt really an option. So my vote goes to: Whiskey
So these are my votes, but I want to submit a new category, so expect a PM from me soon, Alt.
My Votes:
The trolling of ArcticBlunder. Durr.
Morph&Shiro. They are always talking about LoL and pwning people in it.
Seeing as how I can't vote for myself, and that Morph is almost ungodly good at this, I'm voting for Morph.
I agree with Morph. Xer07 was the most interesting person.
As much as anyone will disagree, I'm gonna say ArcticBlunder. Because even though we KNEW what he would do, we never UNDERSTOOD WHY he would keep on doing it.
There's various theories, sure. But I don't think we'll ever understand the sheer stupidity of ArcticBlunder.
Hey, don't I fit into that last category?
I submitted all the nominees for the first category.
Twilight made nominees for some of the others and he also submitted the last category.
New category added by morph is
The nominees are:
Twilight Storm
Skidiantasa (aka ArcticBlunder & sons)
you do, but twilight nominated limeyman.
I put down articblunder and threw in whiskey for kicks.
You can vote though
just vote honestly. if u think u deserve a win a category just say it
Then I vote for when I declared ArcticBlunder's friend Azrael15 Excommunicate Traitoris. Which was EPIC RAGE.
I mean it too. I was livid at the statements he made, so heretical and unholy were they. I now feel the need to go and kill mass numbers of heretics.
I wish I was an Inquisitor and could declare a world of heretics to be subject to Exterminatus.
Most Awesome Rage Moment...Hmm...I am torn between the quote morph posted of me(I must have been royally pissed off...though I am not sure if I'm touched that morph took the time to find that, or if I should file a restraining order...) and between the trolling I missed a few pages back. Altaux, you make the call, I honestly can't decide.
-Twilight Storm
Hey, wait, WTF? Where IS Xer07?
-Twilight Strorm |
I still think nothing comes close to the utter fury of when I denounced Azrael.
No, he left. No idea WHY he left, we just know that he DID leave.
Besides, I'm of the opinion that Xer07 was probably very skinny and thus would lack the marbling that would produce a juicy, enjoyable I don't eat people.
I'd remove various body parts and then feed them to the amputee as a method of torture (or entertainment, depending on mental state and mood during the perpetration of the act), but I'm not into eating people.
How long ago did he leave?
Wierd. He always did say he needed to leave this place. (IDK WTF he was thinking, this place doesn't take maybe 30 mins a day worth of time added up...except during rare occasions when something awesome is happening.)
-Twilight Storm | Declares today Xer07 FAIL DAY!!!
IDK when he left actually, as I was on a self-imposed hiatus from most Internet socialization at the time. If I had to guess, I'd say sometime during August or September.
It wasn't a recent thing that popped up out of the blue.
Hmm, interesting.... I thought that being friends outside of the Chatroom didnt count.....oh well.
LOL, so true
Nah, its ok. I would still vote for Whiskey anyway
Hey, dont feel bad, that was your best moment
Go on, cast your vote.
Of course I did!! Mhhmmm, tasty.....but too much bone and not much meat. Oh well
Dude, just check his last posts in the Chatroom. It cant be too hard to find.
Yes, he did try to leave a long time ago, although he would always come back. I think this is the longest he hasnt posted anything on these forums, but I wouldnt be so sure that he left for good. I believe that he will come back some time, even if it is to say "hello".
No, you cant declare New Year's Eve Xer07 FAIL DAY
Just because today you found out that Xer07's gone, doesnt mean that he left just now.
I vote for Twilight Storm, of course! Best moment on the Chatroom, best Rage moment, best rage/hatred line, EVAR!
Some things are priceless
Ok, I'm gonna post it 1 more time:
Since skidi and artic are the same person whiskey's vote goes for artic
Twilight i cannot vote on ur behalf, ir u are so impressed by ur own rage momment i will take that as your vote
I voted for myself in the case of most awesome RAGE MOMENT.
Really? You are more of a rage-causer I think, due to how you always seem so calm and collected during trolling.
just got home will post all winners when the morning is older
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