Talk about anything here.
Nacho doesnt play pokemon anymore?
Yeah, the Killer Nacho has quit Pokemon for good. However, he said that maybe he will post 1 or 2 more battles, so you never know.
Do you watch his battles, Altaux? I never thought you would
I think I have watched like 150 or so of his Wi-Fi battles on youtube. Yeah, I am a fan of TKN
"Cute Pokemon always get Parahax!"
I bet he will come back for Black and White like I am
He actually said some time before he quit that he was probably gonna use Black and White as an excuse to quit.
He is also too busy studying, and spending time doing other stuff (he is a college student, senior I think), that he just doesnt have the time to post battles on youtube.
I watched a couple like 20 somewhere there. He is good. Its too bad he quit, but i understand
Yep, I was sad that he quit, but oh well
Btw, did you watch his resignation vid?
nope i didnt see it. I saw his last battle with that guy from COD
Oh right, he also said that it was probably his last battle on youtube, in the vid.
yah...its too bad.
Well i go to go for now.
Oh by the way for karma...i thought i would do alittle trivia. You get all three questions right u win
1) This poster once went by the name Exile
2) This poster is attributed with the advent of Forum games in the Off topic section
3) Name two other usernames used by Xer07.
Q) Do the same for the Mighty Alt.
Hints questions 1 and 2 have differnet answers and question 2 isnt Xer0. Number Q is a bonus for extra karma, you must name 2 names i have used except Altaux
1) Whatever Callen calls himself nowadays.
2) GeneralEtrius? I do hope your not being egotistical and putting yourself as an answer to these.
3) koda0; RichterAbend
Q1) What user among us has/had the most used accounts on these forums?
Q2) Who has been MIA for some time now that we have forgotten?
KingAltaux; ican'trememberbutithinkitstartswithaworaz
Here's a trickey one (except for morph maybe) name my first Impulse username.
Well, IFear pretty much got everything answered, but I will try to answer as well.
1) Its Twilight Storm.
2) I dont quite understand what this question means, but I am going to randomly say GeneralEtrius.
3) koda0 and Richter Abend.
Q) Y2Alt and.....something else! Oh I dont remember
Q1) I have no idea really.
Q2) Whiskey144 of course.
Shiro Sol?
And no, I didnt copy my answers from IFear.
Both morph and Ifear got it right, but i feel its only fair i give the karma to the first right answer. Though this is fun so lets continue without the karma bait.
Q1) In Ifear's question is Ifear i think
Its not Shiro Sol?
O And morph and Ifear got one half of the bonus.
And yes Ifear the answer the question 2 is General Etarius the inventor of the best forum game (i am not egotistical )
Nope it's not Shiro Sol
What is the difference?
Fair enough.
Uhm....I didnt receive any karma.....
You could ask Pacov. He's one of the few to know it
Morph if you or Ifear can name one more name i used you can get karma.
clue it starts with C and ends with King
Shiro was it polynominal?
Never mn\ind i found it. Its Bane!
Sorry mate, I havent slept, and obviously I cant read I read: "Nope its Shiro Sol".
We all know that I have a really bad memory, and especially now, that I havent slept, I cant even remember what I ate the day before yesterday, so....yeah
Question: What nationality is Alpha_003_Snipe?
Question: Where did he first post on this forum?
Question: What was the first Chatroom Flame War after he arrived?
Cosmo king alt?
And nice job Altaux +1.
Another +1 to whoever can find out what comes after bane.
Do I get karma Alt?
Screw it, I say I do.
Cosmo King.
No not my next username, the part that comes after bane.
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