In each reply, simply include the prase "I would give you karma, but" and insert a funny/rediculous reason why not to. And don't even THINK about it Anatar11. Anatar11 may now play if chosen to.
Karma will be given for the following posts:
10001074 (don't ask)11111234150020002612 Lookie here 300040005000
I would give you karma but, karma is just like that. And we wouldn't have it any other way.
{Yup still. Just some tweaking now. And so that's it for the eyes colors. OK, good to know. Thanks. It's a particular trade mark of where one comes from. So Steam and updates. Who knew.. Cool. Sorry for you and the other folks. That's harsh. ? They didn't tell anyone? I don't know how big they are on updates but, there can't be that many. Cuz they're already on the next game. You know?}
I would give you karma but everyone who posts above me gets karma.
I would give you karma but, I am not worthy. Oh wait . On second thought, OK. I do have lots of room.
Karma is something, the more you give it away, the more it grows.
I would give you karma but more karma is tastier than no karma.
I would give you karma but, the more karma, the merrier.
I would give you karma, but karma is supposed to be rare and valuable! Why does it keep regenerating like a frost Troll on the snowy mountains of Skyrim?
Nope, they didnt tell anyone. And you know why? Because they assumed that most people will buy it on Steam, when it got released (which btw got released on Steam about 1 week AFTER the original initial release of the game).
Next game? You mean TES VI ?
I would give you karma but, sometimes it rains, and sometimes it pours. I do love the rain. But, in honor of rare and valuable. No karma.
{Well that's just nasty. A week is a long time after a game release. No one would wait unless they knew.... Maybe the updates will be free?
Wouldn't that be against the law?
And by next game I mean new game release for 2012 or maybe TES VI release. }
I would give you karma, but I have exactly half the amount of karma you've got, so I cant really afford it
Of course the updates are free, why wouldnt they be?
You should know that Bethesda always release very few updates for their products, so dont expect frequent updates and constant support.
What would be against the law?
Every TES game takes very very long to develop. TES IV Oblivion was released in 2006, and in 2011 we got TES V Skyrim. TES III Morrowind was released in 2002, so as you can understand, these games take quite sometime to develop, due to the huge world and nearly endless quests and many NPCs they feature.
So I would guess that TES VI would be out on 2016 - 2017, considering the previous releases.
I would give you karma but. you know it doesn't work that way...haha
Well then, what's the problem? }
I would give you karma, but I used up most of it for my own affairs.
The problem is that people without the Steam version of Skyrim cannot get updates at all, simple as that.
I would give you karma but, I can understand that.
{OMG, seriously. That is huge..... Isn't anyone with power watching. It's like the Wild West. Lawless}
I would give you karma, but I am too busy raging over the new youtube layout
Thankfully, I found a way to go back to the 'old' layout, easily.
i would give you karma, but your not sharing info with us about old youtube
I would give you karma, but what info do you want?
If its about going back to the old layout: All I did was to delete cookies from my browser settings, specifically youtube cookies. That set youtube's homepage to the old layout.
But for how long? They are going to make this change (new layout) permanent for everyone, sooner or later
i would give you karma, but its to much work to do
and tbh i can't really remember the old YT
I would give you karma, but you are only the 299th of the 300
Well, I guess if you dont remember it, then the new layout doesnt bother you, or you are not one of the people who got the new layout for testing. Its kind of a beta thing atm.
banned for not making any sense
and when youtube changed quite a while ago i hated it. since i had to adept to a whole new way of using YT. also: FU youtube that i keep remaking my playlists cuz you delete the vids i listen to >.>
youtube just changed for me and your right, its bad
I would give you karma, but I am making perfect sense.
Told ya
I would give you karma but, it's way to windy.
{Can't open Skyrim. Steam opens, the game is registered and all. But. when I click play, the app flickers off and back on. And that's it. I figure it's crashing. Steam support is what I'm waiting on. C'est la vie. }
I would give you karma, but its sunny here in Greece.
But you managed to launch it successfully when first intalled it? So what happened since then? Did Steam update itself or something?
I would suggest deleting the "SkyrimPrefs.ini" and "Skyrim.ini" files, but I'm not sure if that will fix the problem or not, as it could be anything really.
I would give you karma but, I can't get to my keyboard.... to much snow.
{And I haven't any idea if Steam updated itself. Something happened. Everything was fine. Until yesterday....Now it won't start. Still waiting on support. I hope they work on weekends. }
Update: Got it back. I went to Steam's library, shut off automatic updates. Went back to my game. It updated.?
Then when I hit play. There it was.[e digicons]:karma:[/e]
I would give you karma, but my Redguard is too powerful! I can one-shot most enemies at this point
I love it when Steam completely messes up my games, making it more of a pain in the butt, than a good thing. Why does it always have so many issues? Oh well
Glad to hear that you managed to get it fixed though
I would give you karma but, I'm to busy painting. Finished the kitchen today. {I really am.}
{ You gave me direction. Thank-you morpheas. } karma for you
I would give you karma, but you wouldn't be able to open it 'til Christmas.
I would give you karma, but thats fair enough. But I do want my Christmas presents eventually though
I didnt do anything lol
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