Just Undeniably Some of The Illest Canadians Ever (Aka J.U.S.T.I.C.E.) is now opening its recruitment doors to new members. As you may have already guessed, the only stipulation for becoming a member is that you must be Canadian; beyond that we are looking for members who eager to learn and expand their skill within our conglomerate. JSTC is also interested in taking part in competitive gameplay with other like-minded teams in the community. As such, we are also accepting applications from more experienced players who wish to play in co-ordinated teams with other gamers of a high skill level. Our current philosphy on organized teamwork is based on experience and situational adaptation; because of this, our members prescribe to an instinctual method of gameplay focusing on the basics of Attack/Retreat, Diversion, and Subterfuge to excell not only in VOIP communications but primarily without.
Currently, our starting ranks consist of noteable players such as:
Destroyer989 (360 wins, 132 losses)
NinkiCZ (329 wins, 28 losses)
StanVee (254 wins, 35 losses)
McShane87 (548 wins, 62 losses)
JaY_BuDi (344 wins, 17 losses)
Competing for their first time under the J.U.S.T.I.C.E. banner, our members faced the extremly skilled and well respected Shade, FourKingHigh, TrouserSnake69, and KALELsmX, who put forth a brilliant performance. See Here to Download the Replay.
If you would like to join J.U.S.T.I.C.E., please leave a reply in this post or a PM to JaY_BuDi answering the following questions.1. How often do you play demigod per week?
2. Have you ever consistantly played with Pre-made team?
3. What would you consider to be your best demigod? (1st/2nd/3rd)
4. What would you consider to be your best map? (1st/2nd/3rd)
5. Why do you wish to become apart of J.U.S.T.I.C.E.?
6. Isn't Canada AWESOME!?!?!
So, whether it be to learn or to compete, J.U.S.T.I.C.E. will gladly review your application and respond to your request promptly
Your premade pick up group stomp record is admirable.
Very impressive.
Thanks Poly! So kind, so is yours by the way!
Must be American...
1. n/a
2. n/a
3. n/a
4. n/a
5. I don't
6. Canada sucks.
I know. I don't know what I was thinking when I stopped doing that.
Stopped what? Playing Demigod? I imagine the 23 minute loss in your last serious game had something to do with it. Appears to me that you decided you didn't want to play anymore after your first match against a real team.
The last game happaned to coincide with the end of summer, hence the separation of my group.
As for the real team bit, if you were correct, then I should have stopped playing a long long long time ago.
Okay, so then now we have the answer to what you were thinking when you stopped playing demigod. Here it is: "Hmm summer is over and my friends aren't always going to be around to play now, so instead of actually playing with people I don't know and ruining my premade pick up group stomp record, I am going to spend all my hours upon hours of free time on the forums and watching replays."
If I could, I would add 1000 losses to my record right now if that will make you happy. Seasoned players of Demigod realize the ranking system means very little.
Not playing has little to do with my record. Not playing has a lot to do with the inability to play with the people I did for the entire summer nearly every day.
I also happen to like the forums a lot, as well as replays. I know individual strategies and builds of a great deal of specific players. I can predict which items people buy and when. That's going to be useful when the new Demigods come out. I like the game a lot. And I bought it to play with people I know consistently.
As far as I know, no one's asking me to play with them consistently, so we're all happy.
Edit: I did say Canada sucks right? k just making sure.
Ditto mate, I just don't understand why you have to flame my recruitment post. I'm just tryna know more people, so I can play games with them, consistantly.
When you beat our real team(and not a pug) you can actually post it.
You make a decent point. I apologize, I was probably out of line.
I just took your usage of win/loss records as empty bragging points. Which is not entirely your fault due to Demigod's lack of a team automatch since the want to actually play the game is understandable.
I think you meant to say "IF" you beat our real team(and not a pug) you can actually post it.
that way it sounds a lot more tough and threatening...just my 2 cents
But since you did use "when", I'd have to agree with you...It really is Just a matter of time before we do.
Let's cut through all the hub bub and get serious here for a min Shade, with 3 players on your team using vent vs none on vent for us, and a veteran of 23000 min played as your 4th guy, you're actually going to say you were a pug team in that game? I agree that FourKingHigh didn't have a great game, but he wasn't the only one.
I'll give you a tip for next time, try harder to kill me, and don't let me outlevel everyone. Our team is like the Lakers, if Kobe has a bad game it completely demoralizes the other guys. But when Kobe/ Me is playing well, the Lakers/J.U.S.T.I.C.E. are hard to stop, lol.
Well the idea is that hopefully we can keep playing until you guys finally do beat us... even if it takes a couple years
I also thought a guy with 23k minutes would be good McShane lol. I've never played with him before and hope that's my last time. Did I mention I know a gym teacher named Mr. McShane?
I remember an old website "10 reasons not to nuke Canada"
Shouldn't take that long for you to find a 4th, or would you rather 3v3? Either way you know where to find us.
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