im stuck somehow. Is there some way to see WHY i was defeated? I get the DEFEAT screen, and all the statistics, but not a single line what condition killed me.
I loaded previous saves, and tried different tactics, started a war, nearly anihilated the only race that could be a threat. Research and ascension are not winning options, I control about 50% of the universe. It doesnt matter what i do, i get that defeat screen, that makes no sense to me.
I`d appreciate any suggestions on that.
Greetings, Backe
PS: Maybe its important. Im playing GalCiv2 Ultimate Edition, patched to v2.03 and StarTrek-StarWars Mod v6
Is it possible one of the other races obtained a Diplomatic victory? I ask that because by process of elimination, it seems to be the most likely scenario.
You stated Research and Ascension victories had been disabled, which leaves the Military victory, Diplomatic victory, or Cultural victory. The Military victory can obviously be ruled out, as that would mean your empire had been destroyed. Likewise, a Cultural victory seems unlikely, as that would entail another race controlling a majority of the galaxy (75% IIRC) via culture.
On the other hand, it's entirely possible for someone to obtain a Diplomatic victory, even if they don't control a large portion of the galaxy. They need only be allied with all the surviving races in the game in order to win. Does your diplomacy screen show that there's one race who's allied with all the rest of you?
Hmm, well, not with every race directly. Would it be enough if that race was allied with another race wich is allied with me, and so be somehow being allied with me too?
In my game for exampe are the Klingons, the Jedi, and the Cardassians as (relativly)big Rivals. Im allied with the Klingons. The Klingons are allied with the Cardassians too.
Does that make the Cardassians Allies of me, through the Klingons? Cause Cardassians are allied with the Jedi too, and would be allied with ALL major races then !?
The alliance victory can only be won by direct alliances, not proxy ones.
It would be the Klingons that won. If they're your only ally and they're also allied with the Cardassians, they only need to ally with the Jedi to win.
If the Jedi and Cardassians are allied, the Jedi already have the technology.
You can prevent the win by breaking your alliance with the Kilngons. That way, nobody can get a diplomatic victory. Be ready for the onslaught of all out war with everyone though. They'll all ally and likely come after you in short order.
Another way would be to get the Klingons to go to war with the Jedi. That's very unlikely if they're that close to an alliance though.
Don't think anybody but you can get a diplo victory. My guess is that you got cultured into oblivion. That can happen even if you solidly control all your planets if another player gets a dying civilization event and has influence over a lot of unoccupied areas in the map. Caught me off guard when that happened to me the first time, esp since it was an ally that did it to me.
Good info, George Simpson. +1 karma. I had heard that long ago, but it slipped my mind. I've never allied with anyone.
Can influence sneak up on you like that? I always got a popup that said something to the effect that an influence victory will occur in 10 turns.
Then again, I've always been the one with too much influence and had to gift influence starbases and techs to the AI to prevent myself from getting that kind of win. Maybe the warning doesn't pop up when an AI is getting close.
You're warned as often as you simply click on the "Victories" screen and detect someone near enough to defeat you. Turn surrenders off or any other conditions but Conquest, maybe AI(s) will be gentle to give you a chance.
Something else to consider; of what i dubbed the 74.5% Influence syndrome by overly flipping the weak at random or by Galactic achievement and similar planetary improvements -- monitoring your own progress in any case (or specific situations) sometimes isn't enough.
Turns that you know about don't accumulate for nothing. Unforeseen effects included. With experience or instinctive knowledge of certain conditions, control becomes more evident by your strategic choices rather than simulation.
Thanks for that, Zyx and +1 karma. I knew of the screen, but didn't remember what it was called. I don't think I've opened that screen for months now. Possibly longer. It's valuable in tournaments and such though.
Wow, thanks for all the answers and suggestions, ill try them soon(bit busy right now).
Maybe quitting the Alliance with the Klingons will be enough, maybe i can cut some influence of the Cards or Jedi. The only bad thing is that my earliest save(an autosave) is 10 turns before defeat ...
Maybe that Victory screen can help me too ...., i just gotta find it
Does the game end with a defeat for the human if another Empire reaches the Research victory? What is another Empire meets the Alliance conditions? The Influence conditions?
One could test the Research victory Q by getting right up to the last stage and then gifting another Empire with all the Research results and some Research-rich planets and stopping all one's own research by slider zeroing or de-focusing.
Backe888 seems to have answered that the game will indeed end with a human defeat if another Empire reaches Alliance victory conditions.
The only way to test the influence one would seem to be to achieve the victory conditions oneself, but to then gift it all away, leaving oneself an invulnerable planet (with the ReEducation Center, or whatever the name is), and wait 10 or 11 turns.
Have those been tested before? I ask because I thought one older thread said the human would not have the game end when some of those other conditions were met, like the Research victory.
I may look to see if I have any saved games I could use to test it myself.
Thanks... monitoring gameplay status is the better part of any modders' strategy, reducing micman is the dream or reality of efficient players such as you, my friend.
I discovered a few jewels simply by clicking EVERYWHERE on the UI just for kicks... the Colonies spreadsheet alone is a treasure chest. Three buttons on a mouse, might as well use 'hem.
Just to make sure I have seen it, what and where is the colonies spreedsheet.
On the bottom of the "normal" screen there are many buttons in a row. The one furthest to the right is the design ships button. Toggle the next one to the left just beside it - I think that's the one - it has a lightning bolt? That will take you to another screen which - IIRC - begins with what gov't you have, what party you have and some third thing.
Along the top row of that new screen are several choice buttons. One button takes you to timeline charts. Another of those button takes you to the screen that shows your progress towards the various victories, like how many techs left to research for the tech victory, how much influence you have compared to the 75% needed for an Influence victory, how many alliances you still need, and how many empires you have still to conquer to win a conquest voctory.
However, among those buttons on that top row is "colonies" or a similar name.
Toggle the "colonies" button and it will present all you all your colonies in a spreadsheet alphabetically top to bottom. Each colony will have the table info of the column headers, which include mil production, social production, research, and $. Also, it will show what is being built - both ship and improvement. It shows the total number of improvement slots on each planet and how many remain unfilled. It shows the population and if the planet has at least one ship in orbit.
I cannot imagine trying to manage an empire with more than a dozen or two planets w/o this screen!
The "ship in orbit" is itself huge, as one step when the time of war approaches is to ensure each planet has at least one ship in orbit to deny those early unsupported invasions. W/o it, I find it easy on a large map to miss that one or more planets in my far-flung empire has no shield displayed on the galaxy map.
One of my favorite "tricks" or self-aids is to rename planets, in part because of this spreadsheet. For example, when I get a 53% "Starship Bonus" planet, I rename it 53% Ship Bonus. The # in the first character puts that planet ahead of all ones starting with letters. Thus, on this spreadsheet, it puts it on top of the page. That allows me to ensure I always have warships in production on those planets once I get them developed.
I have found that screen. You can also set production focus there by clicking on the number under what ever production you want to focus on. You can also tell the planet what ship to build. That is all I remember now, but it is very usefull screen.
Yes, that's the one!
On focus, I favor the all-factories approach and use that screen extensively. I can run down the chart and check/uncheck the effects of focus planet-by-planet to let me assess the trade-off in research gained versus time lost. Also, as you said, one can order ship production there, and I find it easier and much faster from there than from the planet screen.
Headers, Tabs and focus buttons... like every good spreadsheet processing of features & informations.
85% of my gameplay decisions are determined from clear comprehension of that screen alone.
Right clicking on items even pops up VERY useful sub-menus!
The spreadsheet is a lifesaver. It tells you 90% of what you need to know about any planet, and it tells you whether you need to check on that other 10% on the planet screen,.
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