I hate EA, does anyone else hate EA.
I do not hate EA. They are not my favorite (Stardock, Blizzard) but they are nowhere as horrible as some other games from other publishers/developers. I have faced very few problems with EA's games. I played BFME (the first one). It was fun, could run on my computer, and had very few problems. I bought BFME II, and I thought it was horrible. Just wasn't my thing. Simcity 4 was fun. Every Madden game I have played was not fun. It is a matter of opinion, influence, and preferences of gaming. I will almost never 'hate' a gaming company, even if their game is horrible. I have played a few horrible games, and I do not hate their creators. I hate those companies that give me a reason to remember their name, negativley. I do not speak of bad games, but horrible copy protection and something that makes my computer pained. EA has never done this to me, thus I will continue to buy games from them that I would buy from any other company. As an addition, no matter how much I want Spore, I will not be buying it due to its copy protection.
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